Graphic Novel Book Haul

Graphic novels have slowly become my favorite type of books to read. They’re short, sweet, entertaining, and easier to reach my yearly reading goal haha. Here are some of the graphic novels I recently purchased and some are even perfect for summer!

Do you read graphic novels? If so, what’s your favorite graphic novel?

Cheers bookish friends!

Coffee Book Tag

I realized I haven’t done the Coffee Book Tag even though I love coffee so much… So here’s the long anticipated Coffee Book Tag!

Do you have a favorite coffee drink that you order?

Coffee Book Tag Questions:

Black: name a series that’s hard to get into but has hardcore fans.

Peppermint Mocha: name a book that gets more popular during the winter season

Iced Coffee What’s your favorite series to binge during the summer?

Hot Chocolate: name your favorite children’s book

Double shot of espresso: name a book that kept you on the edge of your seat from start to finish

Starbucks: name a book that you see everywhere

That Hipster Coffee Shop name a book by an indie author and give it a shoutout/a book you don’t think has enough hype

Oops, I Accidentally Got Decaf: name a book you were expecting more from.

The Perfect Blend: name a book or series that is both bitter and sweet, but is ultimately satisfying.

Cheers bookish friends!

Read with Me: Narwhal: Unicorn of the Sea

I FINALLY read the first book in the Narwhal series by Ben Clanton. I love this series SO MUCH. It’s a fun tail about our friends Narwhal and Jelly and the adventures they’re on, fun facts, and even a short comic. This series is perfect for kids aged 6-9!

What’s your favorite childhood book/book series?

Cheers bookish friends!

Anticipated Summer Releases

It’s finally summer time! Looking back the 1st Tuesday in May was one of the biggest release dates in publishing. But this year it looks like everything moved to the 1st Tuesday in June. Here are my top 6 books being released from June-August!

Do you have any summer releases you are excited for? Or all your anticipated releases happening this fall?

Cheers bookish friends!

Spring Book Haul!

Now that spring has sprung, some books also sprung upon my doorstep! I finally got to buy my most anticipated book of the year, Dustborn by Erin Bowman! This book haul also includes some books I normally wouldn’t pick up, comics and graphic novels.

What are some recent books you bought?

Cheers bookish friends!

Cooking with Libib: Bookish Foods

Back in April I got this grand idea of making a meal based on feels I get from my favorite books. I came up with this delicious comfort meal that gave me all the warm homey feelings.

Be sure to also check out my food Instagram for more food content: cookingwithkaelyn.

Do you snack on any foods when you read?

Cheers bookish friends!

Saga Vol 1 Reading Vlog

Back in the old booktuber days there was this much hyped comic series called Saga and I refused to read it back then because I didn’t like comics/graphic novels. I was also afraid by the amount of people who loved this book and that I was going to not like it. Welp the tides have turned. I decided to read Saga finally and vlog it!

Saga Vol 1 Reading Vlog

Turns out the hype was worth it and I should have started this series sooner! Have you read Saga? Do you think it was over hyped?

Cheers bookish friends!

Favorite Books 2020

My favorite part of starting a new year is looking back and reflecting on the amazing books I read that year. In 2020 I read 27 books. 18 books alone were either 5 or 4 star books. I didn’t have a single 2 or 1 star books. This made for an excellent reading year, especially struggling during a pandemic.

Favorite Books of 2020

What are some of your favorite books of last year or this year so far?

Cheers bookish friends!

2021 Book Unhaul

It’s my favorite time of year… the time to purge my bookshelves! One of my goals this year is to purge my bookshelves and I did just that. These books were mainly on my TBR cart that I just never got to or series I would just never finish.

2021 Book Unhaul

Now that I purged my shelves how long do you think it will take before I replace those books I got rid of? Do you like doing book unhauls?

Cheers bookish friends!